Tuesday, June 24, 2008

An "Automatic" Success!

You're certainly aware that there are countless websites and blogs out there, with information ranging from the useful to the unintelligible. I want to share with you a photo blog that I came upon not long ago written by Natalie Norton, named "Pics and Kicks", which is not only useful, it's a pleasure to read.

Natalie is a talented photographer, avid blogger, and although I haven't met her, seems like a genuinely nice person. It was Natalie's posts a few months ago on creating a photo blog that inspired me to create Swell Shot. I recommend you spend some time visiting Natalie's blog and be inspired by her photos and explore her posts.

In particular, I want to bring your attention to this post on "Shooting in Automatic". If you have a digital SLR or an advanced point and shoot, you may be confused by the program modes typically found on the top dial: P (program) A (aperture) S (shutter) M (manual) and Auto(matic). While each mode has it's advantage, the Auto mode is the easiest, and as Natalie points out, a great way to start using a camera until you're ready to move on to the others.

If you have a camera, the most important thing is to use it, and not be intimidated by features and functions you don't understand. Natalie's post is terrific advice. So snap away!

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Anonymous said...

Cool blog! I came here from Natalie Norton's site. She mentioned your comment on her blog. Great work!

Ed Spadoni said...

Thanks Richard, just getting started here. Be sure to tell a friend!

Best, Ed

Anonymous said...

I also came here from Natalie's blog and am completely enjoying your work! I really love your photos of Rockport, MA -- another new place I'd like to go to because of beautiful pictures on a blog! You've got a great eye.

Ed Spadoni said...

Thanks Shelly, glad you found them! Rockport is a great day trip, very New Englandy. Thanks for stopping by. Best, Ed