Friday, July 18, 2008

My new ride - or - Wow, you took that with a cell phone?!?

My new ride

The cameras found in cell phones are getting better and better all the time. A recent Survey reports that:

  • "A whopping 96.3% of adult cell phone owners report that they have a cell phone with a camera, and
  • 19% of adults prefer to use their cell phone as their primary camera for all photography".

    That's stunning when you consider that cell phones have had built in cameras for only the past few years.

    This photo is not intended to show off my new car (although I do love it!) but to demonstrate what you can do with a cell phone camera. This was taken with my Blackberry Curve which sports a 2 megapixel camera. Now granted, it has no manual controls, the lens is tiny, and it's biggest shortcoming is it's softness. This shot was edited slightly in Photoscape and sharpened but it's still pretty soft. But in a pinch, when you really want to capture a picture, what could be more convenient?

    If your cell phone has a camera, you might want to check out this post from the Digital Photography School on taking better pictures with your cell phone. You may not capture a contest winner, but you may also be surprised at just how useful it can be.

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